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The Lions and Hyenas of Recruitment

People are animals. But it’s not only individual humans who can act like noble beasts: in the current business market, recruitment companies are like lions and hyenas.

Categories: Marketplace

Tags: Strategy, Staffing, RCSA, Scott Wintrip, Recruitment industry

It’s The Profit, Stupid

Rod Hore. July 28, 2016. Make a comment
Bill Clinton’s successful presidential campaign slogan of 1992 “It’s the economy, stupid,” suggests we can focus more on profit when asked about how to measure and

Categories: M&A

Tags: Strategy, Acquire, Divest, Recruitment, Staffing, Business for Sale, Buy a Business, Business Valuation

Strategies for Micro businesses

As the recruitment industry is emerging with a lot of small businesses, different strategies are required for owners of these businesses to survive, create wealth, and

Categories: Research

Tags: Strategy, The Global Recruiter, micro business, strategic due diligence

Just-In-Time Staffing Is Newest Twist in Recruitment

SIA has recognised new staffing firms like and Upwork as “just-in-time staffing”, these companies are a new hybrid and are contributing a lot to the

Categories: Research

Tags: Strategy, Recruitment, Staffing, Staffing Industry Analysts

Valuation challenges for emerging Recruitment Agencies

Rod Hore. July 14, 2016. Make a comment
The recruitment industry is full of shooting stars, companies that start so brightly but quickly fade. Valuation of these emerging young companies is complex.

Categories: M&A

Tags: Strategy, Advisors, Recruitment, Sustainable business, Recruitment agency, Buy a Business, Business Valuation

Venezuela, Egypt Rank as Most Complex Contingent Markets

Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA) has issued its 2016 report on the Most Complex Contingent Markets Globally where United Kingdom ranked as the least complex contingent

Categories: Marketplace

Tags: Staffing Industry Analysts, Recruitment market, Contingent Market


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