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How recruitment businesses are valued

Source Material. March 16, 2017. Make a comment
Recruitment agency owners are always concerned about the market value of their business and how much a buyer will pay. Philip Ellis writes about the methods to show the

Categories: M&A

Tags: Acquisition and Divestment, Recruitment Business, strategic due diligence, Merger and Acquisition, Business Valuation

Staffing Mergers & Acquisitions Annual Report: 2016

Rod Hore. February 17, 2017. Make a comment
Staffing Industry Analyst has published Staffing Mergers & Acquisitions Annual Report: 2016 analysing M&A activities in North America.

Categories: M&A

Tags: Strategy, Merger and Acquisition, Business for Sale, Buy a Business, m&a services

Characteristics of the Owner Dominant Recruitment Agency

Rod Hore. October 01, 2015. Make a comment
The characteristics of your business has a big impact on its business value. Here are a few guidelines recognising that the owner has strategic intent, investment

Categories: M&A

Tags: Acquisition and Divestment, M&A Valuation Series, Startegy, Recruitment agency, Merger and Acquisition, Business Valuation

What do we mean by “Business Value”?

Rod Hore. September 22, 2015. Make a comment
This article defines recruitment agency Business Value and explains some of the misconceptions in the market.

Categories: M&A

Tags: Strategy, Acquire, Acquisition and Divestment, M&A Valuation Series, Recruitment industry, Business Value, Merger and Acquisition, Business Valuation

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