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Taking on corporate characteristics - A driver of equity value

Rod Hore. March 03, 2016. Make a comment
Development and implementation of the right corporate strategy is important for a company to boost its equity value.

Categories: M&A

Tags: Strategy, Acquire, Buy, HHMC, Advisors, Divest, RIB Report, M&A Valuation Series, Business Valuation

Is Sydney Still The Powerhouse Of The Australian Economy?

Rod Hore. July 04, 2014. Make a comment
Sydney is Australia’s most culturally diverse city and is the city that migrants are attracted to.But Melbourne in the state of Victoria is growing more quickly,

Categories: Research

Tags: Recruitment, RIB Report, Sydney, The Global Recruiter, Recruitment industry, Business Value

Why You Will Find It Hard To Get The Big Payday

Rod Hore. June 23, 2014. Make a comment
It is difficult for a business owner to reconcile the conflicting information that is in the marketplace about business valuations and what might apply to their

Categories: M&A

Tags: Strategy, Acquire, Acquisition and Divestment, Advisors, Recruitment, Staffing, RIB Report, Buy and Sell Business, Business Valuation

The Cost of Standing Still In the Back Office

Is keeping your old back office systems costing you money and also a strategic disadvantage? Here are the guidelines to reduce the back office costs.

Categories: Research

Tags: Strategy, Leadership, RIB Report, Compliance, Technology, Outsourcing, T2 Consult

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