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Buyers Want Strong Management Teams in Place

Richard Hayward. October 15, 2012. Make a comment
We have discussed the features that make recruitment business more attractive to buying; one element that can be overlooked is a strong management team in place.

Categories: M&A

Tags: Strategy, Staffing, Buyer, Recruitment industry, Buy a Business, Buy and Sell Business

Why Acquisitions Make Sense

Richard Hayward. August 15, 2012. Make a comment
Business acquisitions are considered the domain of the largest companies, though the benefits of rapid expansion can be achieved by small and medium sized organisation.

Categories: M&A

Tags: Strategy, Recruitment, Staffing, Mergers and Acquisition, Buy and Sell Business, Business Valuation, Acquiring Recruitment Business

Recruitment Business Sales - Myths, Rumours And Bad Advice

Selling a business is often a once in a lifetime event so for a business owner, it is important to have an accurate and contemporary advice from the personage.

Categories: M&A

Tags: Strategy, Acquire, Acquisition and Divestment, Recruitment, Staffing, Leadership, Director, Outsourcing, Buy and Sell Business, Business Valuation, advisory services

Leadership in Mergers & Acquisitions

Richard Hayward. November 15, 2011. Make a comment
During a business acquisition the actions of the organisational leaders can dictate the success or failure of the venture.

Categories: M&A

Tags: Strategy, Acquire, Acquisition and Divestment, Divest, Recruitment, Staffing, Leadership, Outsourcing, Buy and Sell Business, Business Valuation

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